Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trevor is going to MIDDLE SCHOOL~

I must admit I am happy for Trevor. I am also a bit aprehensive that he is changing schools. I hope everything goes well for him in all aspects, especially his health.Cystic Fibrosis can make everything more difficult.  We have been so blessed with his good health so far. I hope he can make the transition to middle school without any problems. He is such a great kid. Laughs more than anyone in this house! I love him for that! He got a new haircut for school. I think it makes him look older. I am sure not ready for my kids to grow up, but there is no stopping them. I am so proud of all of them. Trevor himself has been a miracle child....battling this terrible disease and still always positive, making honor roll grades and playing sports. He has won 4 baseball championships in a row! He plans to do science olympiad and academic bowl this year! He goes back to the CF clinic on September 10th. Hoping for a good report. Hoping for a cure or at least a chance to be in trials for the medicine that could cure him. But for now, keep up the good work Trevor!

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