Monday, December 19, 2011


It is amazing how one small turn of events can wind up turning everything completely and utterly upside down.  Life is like that....never knowing what is going to happen next....good or bad! How we deal with each of these events is the determining factor as to our success or failure. Some of these events, ultimately leave you with little choice, but to succeed. Those events which carry such a serious nature...those in which life and death are at stake. I am not the bravest of individuals....nor the strongest, but when subjected to events of which I have no control over.... I am not faced with a decision about how to act, but only to act in order to face the dilemma straight on. Yes, I think it is normal to go through a period of denial, but that leaves you little time to feel sorry for yourself. I was diagnosed with 3 spots of DCIS in my right breast on October 3, 2011. After 3 biopsies, several mammagrams and an MRI later....I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with expander reconstruction. I wanted to decrease my chances of ever having breast cancer again by the greatest margin possible. It has been 10 days since my surgery and I am very happy with my decision. Other than what we have been through with was definaely the scariest thing I have ever been through. There was no cancer in my lymph nodes. This means that I don't need chemotherapy or radiation treatments. They tried to save my nipples, but were unable to do so. The pathology report said there were cancer cells to close. I am happy to say that  now, I have clear margins and don't have to see my breast surgeon for 6 months. I will get my drains removed by my plastic surgeon on Thursday. They have already filled the expanders with some saline....they did so at the time of the surgery. It was nice to wake up with a feeling of fullness. They will continue filling them until they are my desired size....then I will go in for an out patient surgery for the permanent implants. Probably within a few months. So....still in some pain, but feeling very good about everything at this point.  CANCER FREE!!!

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