Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Getting prepared to KICK CANCER'S BUTT~

It is just 4 more days until my breast surgery. I have a lot of emotions running wild. I am scared, but totally ready to get the surgery over with and totally ready to get rid of this cancer once and for all. I am ready to hear the words when I wake up....that the cancer has not spread.....that I don't have to have chemo....and that they were able to save skin and nipples. Putting my total faith in God right now because I know he will see me through this. I pray that someday soon there will be a cure for breast cancer so no other woman will have to go through this. I am one of the lucky ones. I caught it early. If you have never had a mammagram or thought you didn't need to have one....THINK AGAIN! It is the key to early detection of this disease and the key to surviving it. GET A MAMMAGRAM! You owe it to yourself! I just want to thank everyone who has sent cards...gifts.....positive thoughts and PRAYERS! I could not have done all of this without your support!

Love, Gail ♥

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